Invest Shariah Compliantly with PrimeInvest Shariah: Where Values Meet Prosperity!
Discover our suite of Shariah-compliant capital market investment solutions, tailored for those seeking to invest in a way that adheres to the principles of Islamic Finance.
Why should you invest with us?
Our Shariah offerings:
PrimeInvest Shariah Wealth Maximizer:
Start with a lump sum investment of BDT 2 Lacs only. Enjoy a hefty return!
Key Features
PrimeInvest Shariah Monthly Investment Plan:
Begin with a monthly investment plan starting from BDT 2,000/- only for a tenure of 3 years and upward. Beat stock market volatility
Key Features
PrimeInvest Shariah Equity Sharing :
Capital investment and profit/loss will be shared between you and us on a 70:30 basis. We are in this together !
Key Features
PrimeInvest Shariah Performance Scheme:
We will keep one-fifth of your profit and work to maximize it. We win only when you win.
Key Features
Required Documents
Shariah Screening Process:
Prime Bank Investment Limited (PBIL) will apply both business-based screening and accounting-based screening for investment in Shariah Discretionary products. Business-based screening will be performed through analyzing products, services, sector, and business activities of the investible company. The business-based screening policy will not allow investment in companies that do not comply with the shariah principles. Accounting based screening process will ensure that the investible company follows the leverage compliance, cash compliance and the extent of non-permissible income allowed to be eligible for shariah compliant investment.